From the recording Song of Wonder


Verse 1
From You are all things, for in You they began,
O Father of lights, O Designer of man!
Creator of all, in whom all become new,
Create us again with a heart to know You.

Verse 2
Through You are all things, for in You they endure;
Your powerful Word keeps the heavens secure.
Sustainer of all, in whom all are still fed;
Sustain us each day with Your heavenly bread.

Verse 3
To You are all things, for in You they will end,
And by Your decree will the judgment descend.
Restorer of all, in whom all will arise,
Restore us that day to find grace in Your eyes.

Hymn:, M. W. Bassford (2021)
Tune: FEATHERSTONE, Matthew L. Harber (2002, rev. 2017)
©2021 M. W. Bassford and Matthew L. Harber